TBS SysInfo
TBS SysInfo is an all in one system information suite. You can get all of your system information using this software. Get your system information cetagory wise. Select any cetagory and get it's information in a click!
This software just use the Netframework to run so you should install it before running this software. If you have already installed the netframwork 4.0 then you will not have to download and install it, And if you have not installed it on your pc then you can download it from the link below. Thankyou for interesting with us.
* Faster Operations.
* Suitable in any windows OS PC.
* Every information of a pc that you want.
*All informations at aonce
* Custom Configuration
*Show your CPU Usases in Try Icon with a visual.
* Change your advanced system informations
What's New:
* First VersionSize: 1.89 MB
File Type: ZIP File
Detailed Future Over View:
Get your all information about your
Bio Future like: Manufacturer name, Model, Software Version and it's supported futures.
Get your all information about your
CPU Including it's futures, Number of core, Manufacturer, Model, Clock speed, etc.
Drive & Volume Information
Get your storage drive information with asingle click with more details and the correct informations!
Get your network information includes LAN, Wireless and Ethernet. Also get your local cable information.
Operating System
Get all the information of your operating system(Windows) includes it's domain, Serial number, User, Version, Servicepack.
Startup Items
Get all information about your startup programs and add or remove any startup items as you like!
User Information
Get your computer user information at a glance. You can al;so change it's value with it!
OEM Information
Get your computer OEM information at a glance. Also can be changed(It's Value).
Computer Information: Input Device(Keybord, Mouse, Ports, Sound, USB Device, Video, Components, Date & Time, Desktop, Drivers, Enviroment & Variables, Event Viewer, File Types, Fonts, Installed Programs, Multimedia Codesc, Processes, Services, Shares, Special Folder,Visual Styles, Window 32 Class Explorer.Note: It needs to install Net Framwork 4.0 to Run! You can download it from here. (An extra file of 48.3 MB).
Screen Shot:
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